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Англо-русский политический словарь - positive


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положительный; позитивный; уверенный

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См. в других словарях

  1) надёжный, безотказный, бесперебойный (в работе)2) положительный (напр. о заряде)3) достоверный4) неподвижный, жёсткий (об упоре)5) принудительный (о движении) ...
Англо-русский машиностроительный словарь
   1. adj.  1) положительный  2) определенный, несомненный, точный  3) уверенный; I am positive that this is so - я уверен, что это так  4) самоуверенный  5) coll. абсолютный, в полном смысле слова  6) позитивный; positive philosophy - позитивизм  7) gram. положительный (о степени)  8) math. положительный; positive sign - знак плюс  9) phot. позитивный  10) tech. принудительный (о движении) Syn: see sure  2. noun  1) нечто реальное  2) gram. положительная степень  3) phot. позитив ...
Англо-русский словарь
  1. нечто положительное, положительность 2. нечто реальное, реальность 3. грам. положительная степень 4. фот. позитив 5. сокр. от positive quantity положительная величина 6. эл. положительная пластина (элемента) 7. муз. церк. позитив (небольшой переносной орган; также positive organ) 8. несомненный; определенный, совершенно ясный positive proof —- несомненное доказательство 9. точный, определенный positive orders —- точные приказания positive promises —- определенные (недвусмысленные) обещания 10. решительный; категорический positive order —- категорический приказ positive refusal —- решительный (категорический) отказ 11. положительный, утвердительный positive reaction to a suggestion —- положительная реакция на предложение 12. верный, достоверный positive information —- достоверные сведения positive ore —- геол. достоверные запасы руды 13. уверенный (в чем-л.), убежденный в правильности (чего-л.) are you sure? - Yes, I am positive —- вы уверены? - Да, совершенно (абсолютно) he is positive of his facts (on that point) —- он (абсолютно) уверен в этом I'm positive (that) I saw him —- я (совершенно) уверен, что видел его 14. самоуверенный a positive sort of man —- самоуверенный человек positive tone of voice —- безапелляционный тон don't be so positive —- не будьте так категоричны (самоуверенны) 15....
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  1) утвердительный; положительный 2) абсолютный; ясный; прямой 3) установленный; предписанный POSITIVE прил. 1) положительный 2) вполне определенный, точный 3) прямой 4) достоверный, верный 5) уверенный 6) определенный (о доходе) - positive orders - positive slack path - quite positive promises Syn: favourable, absolute ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1) позитив 2) позитивный 3) положительная величина 4) положительный 5) принудительный 6) собирающий 7) уверенный 8) утвердительный 9) четкий almost positive functional — почти положительный функционал color separation positive — цветоделенный позитив completely positive form — вполне положительная форма entropy of positive order — энтропия положительного порядка essentially positive matrix — существенно положительная матрица game with positive payoffs — игра с положительными платежами least positive residue — абсолютно наименьший вычет lexicographically positive vector — лексикографически положительный вектор minimum positive allowance — гарантированный зазор positive positivety oriented angle — положительный угол positive bigraded module — положительно дважды градуированный модуль positive binomial distribution — положительное биномиальное распределение positive cine film — позитивная кинопленка positive defined distribution — положительно определенная обобщенная функция positive definite form — положительно определенная форма positive definite function — положительно определенная функция positive definite kernel — положительно определенное ядро positive definite matrix — положительно определенная матрица positive definite operator — положительно определенный оператор positive existential class — позитивно экзистенциальный класс...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  1) положительная величина; положительный 2) положительный вывод 3) позитивное изображение – black positive ...
Англо-русский Русско-английски словарь по телекоммуникациям
  1) положительная величина положительный 2) позитив, позитивное изображение 3) собирающий (о линзе) - black-and-white positive - color positive - color-separation positive - continuous tone positive - direct positive - film positive - half-tone positive - intermediate positive - line positive - motion-picture positive - mottled positive - reversed positive - right-reading positive - screen positive - sound positive - tone positive - wrong-reading positive ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  adj. & n. --adj. 1 formally or explicitly stated; definite, unquestionable (positive proof). 2 (of a person) convinced, confident, or overconfident in his or her opinion (positive that I was not there). 3 a absolute; not relative. b Gram. (of an adjective or adverb) expressing a simple quality without comparison (cf. COMPARATIVE, SUPERLATIVE). 4 colloq. downright; complete (it would be a positive miracle). 5 constructive; directional (positive criticism; positive thinking). 6 marked by the presence rather than absence of qualities or Med. symptoms (a positive reaction to the plan; the test was positive). 7 esp. Philos. dealing only with matters of fact; practical (cf. POSITIVISM 1). 8 tending in a direction naturally or arbitrarily taken as that of increase or progress (clockwise rotation is positive). 9 greater than zero (positive and negative integers) (opp. NEGATIVE). 10 Electr. of, containing, or producing the kind of electrical charge produced by rubbing glass with silk; an absence of electrons. 11 (of a photographic image) showing lights and shades or colours true to the original (opp. NEGATIVE). --n. a positive adjective, photograph, quantity, etc. Phrases and idioms positive discrimination the practice of making distinctions in favour of groups considered to be underprivileged. positive feedback 1 a constructive response to an experiment, questionnaire, etc. 2 Electronics the return of part of an output signal to the input, tending to increase the amplification etc. positive geotropism see GEOTROPISM. positive pole the north-seeking pole. positive ray Physics a canal ray. positive sign = plus sign. positive vetting Brit. an exhaustive inquiry into the background and character of a candidate for a post in the Civil Service that involves access to secret material. Derivatives positively adv. positiveness n. positivity n. Etymology: ME f. OF positif -ive or L positivus (as POSIT) ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. adjective  Etymology: Middle English, from Anglo-French, from Latin positivus, from positus, past participle of ponere  Date: 14th century  1.  a. formally laid down or imposed ; prescribed ~ laws  b. expressed clearly or peremptorily her answer was a ~ no  c. fully assured ; confident ~ it was her book  2.  a. of, relating to, or constituting the degree of comparison that is expressed in English by the unmodified and uninflected form of an adjective or adverb and denotes no increase or diminution  b.  (1) independent of changing circumstances ; unconditioned an insurance policy with ~ coverage  (2) relating to or constituting a motion or device that is definite, unyielding, constant, or certain in its action a ~ system of levers  c.  (1) incontestable ~ proof  (2) unqualified a ~ disgrace  3.  a. not fictitious ; real ~ social tensions  b. active and effective in social or economic function rather than merely maintaining peace and order a ~ government  4.  a. indicating, relating to, or characterized by affirmation, addition, inclusion, or presence rather than negation, withholding, or absence took the ~ approach and struck a new deal rather than canceling the contract  b. having rendition of light and shade similar in tone to the tones of the original subject a ~ photographic image  c. contributing toward or characterized by increase or progression take some ~ action ~ cash flow  d. directed or moving toward a source of stimulation a ~ taxis  e. real and numerically greater than zero +2 is a ~ integer  5.  a.  (1) being, relating to, or charged with electricity of which the proton is the elementary unit and which predominates in a glass body after being rubbed with silk  (2) having more protons than electrons a ~ ion  b.  (1) having higher electric potential and constituting the part from which the current flows to the external circuit the ~ terminal of a discharging storage battery  (2) being an electron-collecting electrode of an electron tube  6.  a. ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  Frequency: The word is one of the 1500 most common words in English. 1. If you are positive about things, you are hopeful and confident, and think of the good aspects of a situation rather than the bad ones. Be positive about your future and get on with living a normal life... ...a positive frame of mind. ? negative ADJ: usu v-link ADJ, oft ADJ about n • positively You really must try to start thinking positively. ADV: ADV after v 2. A positive fact, situation, or experience is pleasant and helpful to you in some way. The parting from his sister had a positive effect on John... ? negative ADJ: usu ADJ n • The positive in a situation is the good and pleasant aspects of it. Work on the positive, creating beautiful, loving and fulfilling relationships. ? negative N-SING: the N 3. If you make a positive decision or take positive action, you do something definite in order to deal with a task or problem. Having a good diet gives me a sense that I’m doing something positive and that I’m in control. ADJ: usu ADJ n 4. A positive response to something indicates agreement, approval, or encouragement. There’s been a positive response to the UN Secretary-General’s recent peace efforts. ? negative ADJ: usu ADJ n • positively He responded positively and accepted the fee of ?1000 I had offered. ADV: ADV after v 5. If you are positive about something, you are completely sure about it. I’m as positive as I can be about it... ‘She’s never late. You sure she said eight?’—‘Positive.’ ADJ: v-link ADJ 6. Positive evidence gives definite proof of the truth or identity of something. There was no positive evidence that any birth defects had arisen as a result of Vitamin A intake. = conclusive ADJ: ADJ n • positively He has positively identified the body as that of his wife. ADV: ADV with v 7. If a medical or scientific test is positive, it shows that something has happened or is present. If the test is positive, a course of antibiotics may be...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~ adj 1 »SURE« very sure, with no doubt at all that something is right or true  ("Are you sure?" "Positive." | positive (that))  (Are you absolutely positive you locked the door?) + of/abou  (It was definitely his fault - James was positive of that.) 2 »CONFIDENT« believing that you will be successful or that a situation will have a good result  (You've got to be more positive about your work. | positive attitude/approach/outlook etc)  (She started to have a more positive outlook on life. | think positive)  (Think positive and all your problems will be solved.)  (- compare negative1 (2)) 3 »LIKELY TO BE SUCCESSFUL« showing that something is likely to succeed or improve  (All the signs are extremely positive - he'll be well again soon.) 4 »AGREEMENT/SUPPORT« showing that someone agrees with you, supports what you are doing, and wants you to succeed  (The response we've had so far from the public has been very positive. | positive criticism/feedback (=criticism which includes praise for things done well, and encourages you to do better)) 5 positive proof/evidence/identification etc proof, evidence etc that shows that there is no doubt that something is definitely true  (The fingerprints are positive proof that Elliott is the murderer.) 6 »SCIENTIFIC TEST« showing signs of the chemical or medical condition that was being looked for  (The test results came back positive.)  (- opposite negative1 (4)) 7 »GOOD/USEFUL« having a good or useful effect  (At least something positive has come out of the situation. | a very positive experience) 8 »MORALLY GOOD« usually before noun showing or encouraging someone, especially a child, to behave in a way that is morally good  (a positive social environment | positive role models) 9 a positive miracle/delight/thrill etc spoken used to emphasize how good, surprising, exciting etc something is  (It was a positive miracle that she survived.) 10 »MATHEMATICS« technical a positive number is more than zero  (+ is the positive sign) 11 »ELECTRICITY« no comparative technical...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  - early 14c., a legal term meaning "formally laid down," from L. positivus "settled by arbitrary agreement, positive," from positus, pp. of ponere "put, place." Sense broadened to "confident in opinion" (1665); mathematical use is from 1704; in electricity, 1755. Positivism (1854) is the philosophy of Auguste Comte, who published "Philosophie positive" in 1830. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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